Synergy of Seismic and Video Data with Three Dimensional Models

Brian W. Stump, David P. Anderson, D. Craig Pearson


Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty monitoring requires identification of numerous types of man-made events. Unambiguous identification of these source types will rely on a firm physical understanding of processes that generate seismic waves. Since these events are man-made and near the earth's surface, they are amenable to experimental quantification using seismic measurements in combination with acoustic, high speed film and video characterization. Digital processing techniques for these disparate data types are presented and ways of combining data sets for seismic source function constraint are demonstrated.

Data are combined with three dimensional models of the blasting process to aid interpretation of these seismic sources and improve tools for identifying these event types. The size of these combined data sets and models, primarily because of the time varying nature of the phenomenology, makes communication of this information difficult in a standard journal format. This paper explores utilization of the World Wide Web as a distribution mechanism for visual images that supplement the paper, providing physical insight into the spatial and temporal finiteness of man-made seismic events.

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